Is it a Good Idea to Switch from Oil to Natural Gas?

Natural GasEnergy bills … nobody likes them. We all try to keep our Milford, CT home comfortable in the winter, but the cost of that can sometimes be overwhelming. Have you been considering switching from oil to natural gas?

Reduced Heating Costs

Oil to Gas Conversion will save you money in two ways. Natural gas is going to be a more efficient energy source. Natural gas is also typically a cheaper fuel.

Natural Gas Uses

Natural gas can do so much more than heat your home! Whether you’ve been wishing to switch to a gas stove, install a gas fireplace, heat your swimming pool, and more, natural gas will add a number of options that you didn’t have before.

As an added bonus, natural gas is a convenient source of energy. Storms won’t interrupt its “always available” status and having to schedule deliveries will be a thing of the past.

The Right Time

It is always the right time to save money. But if you are considering updating your current heating system, now is the time to consider converting to natural gas.

The switch will be an investment, but over time you will see that recouped and begin to enjoy the savings that you were looking forward to.

Ricks Plumbing are experts in oil to gas conversion in Milford, CT. They can help you decide if now is the time to update your home heating system to natural gas, by explaining the cost and benefits of converting.

No matter how you’ve decided to save on heating costs, Rick’s Plumbing can help! Check out our money saving coupons and then give Rick’s Plumbing a call. If you need it quick, call Rick!
