#1 Plumbing Fixtures Installation Services Milford, CT
A single dripping faucet or a toilet that doesn’t quite flow properly can be one of the most annoying problems to have in your home. Thankfully, a small job like this does not require the entire system to be replaced, but instead can be immediately repaired by swapping out the plumbing fixtures. Leaking fixtures within the home are responsible for thousands of gallons worth of wasted water on a yearly basis. This is both bad for the environment and your wallet, as you are paying for this water usage in Milford, CT.
I would recommend Rick's plumbing ,because of them.
Bathroom Plumbing Fixtures
The bathroom is the most common room in the entire house to require plumbing fixture replacement at some point or another. Most fixtures in the bathroom will last for a few years, at the very least, but some households make use of their bathroom sink and bathtub more often than others. With heavy use comes heavy damage.
Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures
There is a new kid on the block in terms of plumbing, and that is low flow fixtures. These types of plumbing fixtures offer huge savings to the homeowner and are a sustainable replacement to regular fixtures. Toilets and showerheads are the most common for the low flow treatment. They provide the same results but with less wasted water. You have probably seen a low flow toilet out at a department store somewhere, as they tend to be designed as efficiently, cheaply, and quietly as possible.
Kitchen Plumbing Fixtures
The kitchen is the second most used room in the home in terms of plumbing. Your kitchen plumbing fixtures, especially the faucet and sink, are regularly used for cleaning and cooking. Over time, this heavy usage can wear the fixtures down, requiring extensive repairs or, more than likely, replacements to be installed.
Fixtures Replacement
For the most part, plumbing fixtures are long-term investments. When properly maintained and cleaned, they can last for years. Of course, after many years of heavy use, even the most stalwart of plumbing fixtures may need to be replaced. That’s why we at Rick’s Plumbing provide efficient, affordable, and comprehensive replacement services.
Whether you need to remove and replace a garbage disposal or would like a high-efficiency toilet, our experienced technicians have the tools, materials, and knowledge you require. We’ll send a trained technician to your home or commercial location to solve any fixture frustrations. We know how stressful and complicated a broken fixture can be. You don’t have to waste your energy struggling with old plumbing! By replacing an old fixture with a high-efficiency model, you can even save money on utility bills.
If you wish to install brand new fixtures throughout your home or fix your current ones, Rick’s Plumbing has trained plumbers on call at 203-874-6629.