This can be a wonderful time to open up our homes to family and friends to celebrate the holiday season. While the kitchen seems to attract conversation with the cook, our bathrooms are an essential room to keep the party flowing (pun intended).
Whether it is a party full of guests, or friends and relatives in from out of town for a short stay … our bathroom is a room we always want to give special attention to. Nothing brings a festive occasion in our home to a screeching standstill like a clogged up toilet!
Here are a few tips to keep that from happening:
Do a test run. Flush the toilet and stay in the bathroom to listen. Is the tank filling at the proper speed. Is the toilet running too long? These could be easy adjustments that can be handled before party day.
Are you having guests with small children come into your home? Remove small items from on the tank or near the toilet. You don’t want small hands accidentally causing things falling into the bowl and creating a clog.
Have the proper plunger on standby and readily available just in case. The most common type of plunger is the orange suction cup type. That is designed for sink clogs, not toilets. The black ball shaped or foldout-cup style will prove to be more useful for a toilet clog, and will be worth the extra few dollars.
And just to spread even more holiday cheer, be sure to have an extra roll of toilet paper in plain sight for guests. You’ll be glad you did, and so will they!
If you run into plumbing problems this holiday in West Haven & Fairfield Counties, Rick’s Plumbing can help! Check out our money saving coupons and then give Rick’s Plumbing a call. If you need it quick, call Rick!