Local Plumbing, Heating and Water Heater News, Tips

3 Signs Your Water Pressure is Too High

Low water pressure is a common homeowner complaint, but don’t ignore the downsides of water pressure that is too high. In fact, excessively high water pressure can wear down pipes and appliances, costing you money on repairs and replacements. High water pressure isn’t always easy…

Are Drain Cleaners Safe to Use on Plumbing?

If you’re a homeowner or anyone with experience in DIY fixes for plumbing systems, you’ve likely heard mixed opinions on whether or not drain cleaners are safe to use on clogs. Some say chemical cleaners, when used in moderation, are fine to use – while…

6 Common Mistakes of DIY Water Heater Installation

With the wealth of information available on the internet these days, more and more homeowners are learning how to tackle home improvement projects themselves instead of bringing in a professional. The DIY approach has its merits and benefits, including saving money. But sometimes cutting corners…

Pros and Cons of Dual-Element Water Heaters

Water heater technology has greatly improved in recent years. While tankless water heaters get a lot of attention, they’re not the only “new kid on the block.” If you’re looking for a more efficient way to produce hot water for your home but don’t want…

4 Reasons Your Dishwasher is Clogged or Backed Up

If you have a busy household, you probably consider the dishwasher an indispensable appliance. But every now and now, a dishwasher presents more hassles than convenience. For instance, say you run a load but when you open up the door you find a pool of…

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