The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 1.2 trillion gallons of sewage from households, industries, and restaurants is dumped into U.S. water each year. These and other contaminants can eventually find their way into public water supplies. Luckily, there are plenty of easy steps you can take to reduce water contamination and pollution in order to maintain the water quality in New Haven, CT.
At Rick’s Plumbing, we take great pride in offering top-notch plumbing services in New Haven, CT that can help you combat water contamination and conserve water. We’re dedicated to offering sustainable and eco-friendly plumbing services with competitive pricing. Whether it’s replacing corroded piping or installing a high efficiency toilet, we’re happy to help our customers save money while helping to save the environment.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 286 million Americans get their tap water from a community water system, so it’s important to do your part in helping to reduce water contamination and pollution. Here’s 10 easy do’s and don’ts!
DON’T pour fat, grease, or cooking oil down the drain. Keep a “fat jar” handy to collect fat and dispose of it in the trash once it solidifies.
DON’T dispose of household cleaning agents, chemicals, paint, or any other harsh products down the drain. Contact the local sanitation, public works, or environmental health department for information about environmentally responsible disposal.
DON’T flush pills or liquid medications down your toilet or the drain. Instead, take it back to the pharmacy. Many pharmacies have take-back programs that properly dispose of unused medications.
DON’T use your toilet as a trash can! Paper and plastic waste hinders the sewage treatment process and ends up as litter on beaches and in water.
DON’T use an excessive amount of bleach, detergent, or dish soap when doing laundry and dishes. Try using eco-friendly cleaners and detergents, which are just as effective without harming the environment.
DO minimize the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides used on your lawn and garden. Try incorporating native plant species and using organic gardening practices instead.
DO make a compost pile out of kitchen scraps. Compost is a great fertilizer that’s easy to make and beneficial for the environment.
DO clean up after your dog. Picking up after your pet prevents harmful bacteria from flowing into storm drains and into the water supply.
DO be a better car owner by keeping up with its maintenance to reduce leaks. Antifreeze, coolant, and oil are flow into storm drains and can seep into groundwater. Wash your car at a carwash, where wastewater is drained into the sewer system for treatment before being discharged.
DO report water contamination by companies, neighbors, etc. to a local environmental group or water preservation organization. These groups work with larger associations to reduce water contamination and enforce rules.
As always, your safety and satisfaction is our top priority. Contact Rick’s Plumbing today for more information on eco-friendly plumbing solutions!